Have been speaking in these last meetings, as we begin to formulate the arts master plan, that many artists in town are not necessarily part of an organized art group. And, that many of us have mediums which cross/ experiment with boundaries/ content of traditional Art.
So please give voice to your medium in the survey and in applying for funding for your projects.
Recent Link Updates
http://twurl.nl/0keyp6 Artists master plan survey
http://www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/news/Docs/09April17_ArtsAppl.pdf Applications to fund projects by San Marcos artists
Overarching Issues Facing Artists
For me right now the main tenant as a commissioner/ artist is that we are afforded funding opportunities to continue to do our work as self-employed citizens. This goes hand in hand with venues as well as community support. This means supporting venues that support our work. There are also opportunities to intertwine campus and community culture thru the arts community here in San Marcos. Finally, we can offer opportunities to train our youth with holistic ways of resolving challenges thru art as medium for empowerment and self expression.
Arts Commission Updates: Citizen Input Sought and Funding Available
We are in formulation stages and aforementioned is just a snippet of some of the topics that I am reflecting. My colleagues have many insights and active here in our community. City staff are offering their thoughts and resources. The Arts Master Plan will guide our vision here in San Marcos for your passion of art. So, check out the online form and the funding opportunity.